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Covid-19 (Coronavirus)
5th Feb 2023 by Admin
As all Covid-19 restrictions in the U.K. have been lifted, the clinic has now reverted back to pre-Covid-19 policies and procedures.
The wearing of a face covering within the clinic is now voluntary.
In the event of a major outbreak again within the U.K. the policy and procedures outlined below that are now dormant will be reintroduced.
Kind regards
Jill Tait RGN INP
Clinic treatment policy during any present or future Covid-19 pandemic outbreak.
Could I please continue to remind everyone that new protocols and procedures (see bullet points below) have been introduced within the clinic that you may find unfamiliar. Especially the point relating to Covid-19 vaccinations and dermal fillers. Please rest assured that these are in place for the protection of everyone who enters the clinic and must be adhered to. Please familiarise yourself with these points before making an appointment.
- If you have an appointment booked, inform the clinic as soon as possible if you test positive or develop any symptoms of Covid-19. Regardless of government guidelines, please do not visit the clinic until at least 10 days after your positive test or 10 days after your first day of Covid-19 symptoms. This is to protect any possible vulnerable clients who may be at a higher risk of contracting Covid-19.
- It is not recommended to have a dermal filler treatment, 28 days before the Covid-19 vaccination/booster and 28 days following the Covid-19 vaccination/booster. This is due to the possibility of a delayed hypersensitivity reaction.
- Within the clinic, ensure you adhere to current social distancing at all times, except when undergoing treatment.
- You must limit the personal possessions you bring with you. The clinic may reserve the right to prevent items entering the treatment rooms.
- We advise everyone entering the clinic to continue wearing a face covering regardless of government recommendations at the time.
- All make up must be removed before entering the treatment room. Cleansing wipes are available at reception.
- The number of appointment slots made available during each day will be reduced. This will allow clients to have treatment and leave the clinic before the next client arrives.
- The clinic will be operating a strict policy on time keeping. Please try to arrive as close to your appointment time as possible. Early arrival may require you to hold outside the main entrance door.
- We have introduced air purifiers with HEPA or High Efficiency Particulate Air filters, within the treatment rooms. These purifiers have similar performance to those used to keep the air clean in hospital operating rooms. These filters are very effective at trapping microscopic particles as small as bacteria and viruses.
- A two-treatment room system is in operation. We will alternate each client’s treatment between two separate treatment rooms. Allowing each treatment room to be thoroughly cleaned and ventilated before the next client enters.
- As much as we would love to have a chat like normal, unfortunately talking must be kept to a minimum within the clinic.
- On entering the treatment room you will be asked to use the hand sanitiser provided. Talking within the treatment room will be kept to an absolute minimum. If your treatment is to the forehead, neck or legs, then your facial covering should stay in place during treatment. If your treatment is to the lower face or lips, then obviously the removal of your face covering is necessary. In this instance you will be asked not to talk during treatment. If you feel the need to cough or sneeze, please use a tissue and try to inform the practitioner prior, allowing them to step back to a safe distance.
- After treatment, we advise that you wear a new clean face covering to reduce the chance of cross contamination and possible infection to the treated area.
- Cash payments must be avoided if possible. Please try to pay using a credit/debit card.
- All surfaces clients may have come into contact with while visiting the clinic will be cleaned using a suitable cleaning solution before the next client arrives.
We must stress that everyone must adhere to all of the procedures outlined above. If you feel you are unable to adhere to any of these procedures for whatever reason, then you should refrain from booking an appointment.
We thank you for your anticipated co-operation and understanding.